Imagine if you had been running your business alone all this time-like Major Tom floating through space, totally disconnected. You might survive.....and maybe you have been surviving!

But for a business to thrive, we must rely on others to take some of the responsibility for the little bits of space dust that turn the day-to-day into a cloudy nebula.

So anyway, what does a highly advanced civilization have to do to get noticed around here? We use social media, of course! Facebook, Instagram, and other social media sites offer some of the most viewed ad space in the history of the universe.

What time the ad runs, who sees it, and how many times it is seen massively contribute to the success of the campaign. Word Pop helps isolate these ideal conditions and runs the ads within those parameters to get the most bang for your advertising buck. In short, you choose the ads, and we make sure the campaign runs smoothly. Because as we know, nothing is real to humans until they see it on the internet.

WHy OUt-source?

Do you have help finding applicants, filing taxes, acquiring raw materials or finished goods? The monumental (and monumentally rewarding!) task of growing a business requires dozens, if not hundreds, of actions on a daily basis. Passing these tasks to other professionals takes the pressure off of you, the business owner, and allows you to focus on launching the business higher and higher. Long-term success is made possible only through managing the workload via out-sourcing. After all, if you want to be a star, ya gotta handle the pressure.

Blue glowing Earth